Barack Obama Relected

Congratulations Mr. Obama. It looks like the Gleaner was right because Usain Bolt’s victory in the 100m sprint may have hinted that Barack Obama would be reelected. The Gleaner article stated that “American writer Edward McClelland recently did the checks and noted that in every year an American has won the Olympics 100 metres men’s gold medal, a Republican has won that fall’s presidential race. In every year a runner born in the Caribbean has won, a Democrat has become president.”

Big in Jamaica

Jamaica, let’s hope that the US economy comes back on track, because it’s difficult for us to beg from a country that’s going through its own challenges.

Want proof?

After Hurricane Sandy, the US pledged a grand total of US$150,000 to Jamaica for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

Big in Jamaica

Good luck Barry! We need you to be successful.

If you’re bored, it might be useful for you to take this quiz to see whose policies you agree with (although you may have to wait another 4 years to exercise your right to vote if you’re American).

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