UWI Students Protest

Clearly there must something I’m not getting from this story

Students don’t pay fees.

School bars them from sitting exams.

Students upset.

Students protest.

Students who don’t pay prevent those who paid from doing exams.

School administration meets with students who protested to strike compromise.

I think I’m going to try that approach next time I don’t want to (or am unable to) pay a bill.

Seems pretty effective.

By the way, I don’t think the students’ suggestions have any merit-they don’t want to get failing grades because if they didn’t pay, then they weren’t registered (which means they shouldn’t have gone to class or benefited from the teachers’ expertise).

Also, did they sign up for a pay per course system? Don’t think so.

They can’t have it both ways. There’s nothing to protest about. 1,600 students? Wonder why they think they were unfairly treated? What about those who had to find the means to pay and never got to sit their exams?

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