“Coconut water to wash off your heart”

We have coconuts all around us in Jamaica.

“One cup of coconut water contains 46 calories and no fat. The drink also provides only 9 g of carbohydrates per cup, with 3 g of fiber. Coconut water provides 58 mg of calcium and 5.8 mg of vitamin C per cup. It also provides modest amounts of most of the B complex of vitamins, phosphorus, selenium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese.

Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes, minerals that help regulate the amount of water in your body, your blood’s acid level and muscle function. One cup of coconut water provides 252 mg of sodium, 278 mg of chloride and 60 mg of magnesium, some of the most prominent electrolytes. It also provides 600 mg of potassium per 1 cup, more than a banana. Potassium is especially important for regulating blood pressure and athletic recovery.”

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