Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Reports reveal that gunshots were fired and bottles were thrown at a concert called Magnum Follow Di Arrow last weekend.

Why is it that there’s always a threat of violence at a stage show?
Why is it that fans have to risk their lives in order to watch a concert?
Why is it that patrons weren’t searched before entering the concert?
Why is it that glass bottles (I assume they were glass) were allowed on the premises? Although preventing bottles probably wouldn’t have helped since people decided to throw stones as well.

Although the incident is very serious, the funniest part to me was when Bounty said “Mi na run, after mi na play dandy shandy.” Real bad man talk. But nothing to substantiate it: it is reported that a few seconds later the Killer was seen running for cover. Killa? Running? From gunshots?

Come on now. Leave the clashing to the young ones or set an example. You’re a big man now-time for big things.

Or is it that things have gotten bigger than you expected? Is this violence a product of all the bad man preaching over the years? Kinda draws parallels to the situation with Jamaican politics. Out of control. Discipline required.

The incident at the stage show also points to the risks sponsors face when trying to promote their products at dancehall related events. Magnum has received a lot of negative publicity for this…AFTER spending money promoting this event. It will certainly be difficult for the marketing manager to justify this type of expense in the future.

Then the artistes will say people “a fight down dancehall.”

The Observer cartoons are wicked:

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